
Windows 10 build 17643 (and earlier) for PC: Everything you need to know

Windows 10 build 17643 is at present available for devices enrolled in the Fast ring using the Skip Ahead option. This is the seventh preview that Microsoft is releasing as part of the Redstone 5 development, and while it's a small update, it introduces a number of changes that users are expected to receive before the end of the year.

This flying focuses on improving Sets adding back up to use tabs with Part 365 desktop applications. The Settings app gets some new tweaks, including for Data Usage and Magnifier, and a lot more.

Along with build 17643, Microsoft has too previouly released six other builds, including 17639, 17634, 17627, 17623, 17618, and 17604, which fifty-fifty though they aren't significant, these previews also introduce improvements for the side by side version of Windows x.

In this Windows 10 guide, we'll walk you through the features and changes Microsoft has been working on for the Redstone 5 update.

Windows x Redstone 5 latest features and changes

Start menu and Action Centre

Thus far the Start carte isn't getting a lot of improvements, only starting with build 17618, when using the Automatically hide whorl bars in Windows choice in Ease of Access now will make the Start carte du jour scroll bar to stay always visible.

The same flying too introduces a couple of changes to Action Centre. For example, now opening the experience, you'll find that notifications at present appear using a fade-in blitheness, and the toast notification to fix blurry apps now volition show in Activity Center after information technology'due south dismissed or timed out.


Sets is a new feature coming to Windows 10 that allows to group apps, documents, and websites into tabs.

Microsoft initially introduced Sets during the Redstone 4 evolution, but it was so removed with the promised that the feature would return in the next development. And at present, the characteristic is dorsum starting build 17618, and since and then, Microsoft has been adding a slew of improvements up to build 17643.

"Sets" works very similar to the way yous utilise tabs in Microsoft Border, Google Chrome, and Mozilla Firefox. When the feature is enabled on your reckoner, a tab experience will appear in the title bar part of the awarding.

Yous can click the plus (+) button to open up a new tab that features a startup folio with a search box, which you can utilise to open documents, apps, and spider web searches in the same page.

Right-clicking a tab will let you access a context bill of fare with a number of options, including:

  • Close tab.
  • Shut other tabs.
  • Close tabs to the right.
  • Move to new window.
  • Close menu.

Interesting enough, you'll demand the "Shut menu" option because, at this point, you can't click exterior the menu to dismiss it.

In the far-left side of the tab experience is where the Previous tabs button is located, and as the name implies, information technology's the button that allows yous to get back to the group of tabs yous're working in the past. (Yous tin choose to open i tab or an entire session.)

Perchance ane of the biggest changes with Sets is the support of tabs for File Explorer. This non only finally allows y'all to open folders in tabs alongside apps and websites, but the experience is getting a few new tweaks, including a Open in new tab option in the context card when correct-clicking a binder.

And there'due south an Open up new tab choice in the File card.


List of keyboard shortcuts to use Sets:

  • Ctrl + T — Opens a new File Explorer tab.
  • Ctrl + North — Opens a new File Explorer tab.
  • Ctrl + Westward — Closes a window or tab.
  • Ctrl + Windows fundamental + Tab — moves to the next tab.
  • Ctrl + Windows key + Shift + Tab — moves to the previous tab.
  • Ctrl + Windows primal + T — Opens a new tab.
  • Ctrl + Windows key + W — Closes current tab.
  • Alt + Tab — Circles between open tabs.

Other features and improvements

Here's the list of boosted features and improvements for sets up to Windows ten build 17643:

  • You can restore previous tabs from whatever activity.
  • You can elevate apps and Microsoft Edge tabs between groups.
  • Yous can rearrange tabs within the ready of tabs.
  • Restoring a project, you'll be asked to restore related web pages and apps.
  • Opening a document that previously had tabs, you'll be asked to restore those tabs.
  • Timeline now shows groups of tabs as activities, and each activity will reveal the number of tabs for the set.
  • Apps, documents, and Edge tabs open as a tab in the group replacing the new tab page.
  • Back up for Microsoft Store apps has been added.
  • Back up for Part 365 apps has been added.
  • Support for near archetype (win32) desktop apps that do not utilize a custom championship bar (such as File Explorer, Command Prompt, PowerShell, and Notepad) has been added.


Microsoft has also been working to improve the Settings app throughout the release of build 17643, 17639, 17623, 17618, and 17604.

Focus assist

On Settings > System, the Focus assist page, under "Automated rules," you'll find an selection to enable the feature while you're at dwelling. Even so, if you don't have specified your home accost in Cortana, this feature volition exist grayed out.

When enabled, y'all can click the pick to admission the "At home" page with options to allow Cortana to recognize your location and prepare the focus level.


On Settings > Organisation, the Multitasking page is getting updated to include additional options to customize Sets.

Alongside the toggle switch to enable or disable Sets, you'll now run across a drop-down menu that allows customize the Alt + Tab keyboard shortcut to prove "Windows and tabs" or "Windows simply."

If y'all don't want a particular set of apps to use tabs, yous'll too notice an option to exclude apps from the experience.

Bluetooth & other devices

On Settings > System, the Bluetooth & other devices page now shows the bombardment level for Bluetooth devices paired to your computer. However, to piece of work, the Bluetooth device must support this functionality.

Image source: Microsoft

Data Usage

On Setting > Network & Internet, the Information Usage is irresolute to testify how much information you're using while roaming using a mobile information plan.

Image source: Microsoft

If yous desire to enable or disable roaming stats, you can find the choice in the "Cellular" settings page.


On Settings > Ease of Access, the Display page is updating the Simplify and personalize Windows department so when yous disable the Automatically hide scroll bars in Windows pick the scroll bars in the Start menu volition also stay visible.


On Settings > Ease of Access, the Magnifier page now gives you more control over the zoom increments by adding v% and 10% to the "Change zoom increments" drib-downwards card.

Besides, it'due south now possible to go on the mouse centered while in full-screen mode using the new "Continue the mouse cursor" drop-downwards carte du jour.


The Cortana setting section isn't getting any new options, only since build 17623, the section has been renamed to Cortana & Search.


In addition, Windows 10 is adding support for the High Efficiency Image File Format (HEIF). The new support is bachelor starting build 17623, and it'southward an paradigm container that uses codecs similar HEVC to improve compression, quality, and other advantages over older file formats, such as JPEG, PNG, and GIF.

This new format too supports encoding image sequences, auxiliary images like blastoff or depth maps, prototype collections, live images and video, audio, and improve contrast for HDR.

Every bit part of the Redstone 5 evolution, Windows x is also introducing a safer fashion to disconnect external graphics processors connected to your reckoner using Thunderbolt 3.

This new machinery lets y'all see which apps are using the external GPU allowing yous to close those applications to prevent information loss as you disconnect the peripheral.

If you're using an external graphics processor, y'all can now open the "Safely Remove Hardware and Eject Media" menu from the notification expanse of the taskbar, and select the GPU you want to disconnect. If a prompt appears, shut the awarding in the list, then effort to disassemble the graphics processor.

Microsoft Border

This far Microsoft Edge isn't getting a lot of improvement, just the WebDriver is now included as Feature on Demand (FoD) to make information technology easier to get the right version for your device.

According to Microsoft, this new change should address the problem from customers around binary mismatches, every bit Feature on Need's match the build, branch, and flavour automatically.


Starting with Windows 10 build 17604, the emoji blueprint has been updated to improve consistency, and the emoji panel is bachelor in more than 150 locales, including English (U.k.), French (France), German (Germany), Spanish (Espana), and more.

Epitome source: Microsoft

Other improvements

Alongside the new features and improvements, you lot'll as well find a number of other changes, including functioning improvements for Windows Defender Application Guard (WDAG) for Microsoft Edge making the experience load faster and lighter. Also, it'south at present possible to download files using WDAG if yous're using Windows 10 Enterprise.

In a continuous effort to retire Control Panel, starting with build 17639, the settings to alter the display brightness are now but available in the Settings app.

Windows ten Pro for Workstation now includes an "Ultimate Performance" ability program with special settings designed to evangelize the best operation that the machine'due south hardware allows.

The new scheme is based on the High-Performance policy with additional tweaks to eliminate micro-latencies associated with frail power direction techniques. Additionally, Microsoft will no longer bundle consumer apps and games with this edition of Windows ten. Instead, the company volition only include productivity and enterprise apps.

Chore Director, in the Processes tab, merely similar in the Redstone 4 update, you lot'll see a new icon when a procedure is suspended in the Status cavalcade.

Also, as of build 17643, you tin copy and paste text from and in whatever Windows Subsystem for Linux console using the Ctrl + Shift + C (copy) and Ctrl + Shift + Five (paste) keyboard shortcuts. However, it's an option that you'll need to turn on manually enable in the "Options" tab of the console properties.

Finally, during the upgrade process, Windows ten Redstone 5 also includes the ability to disable Inking & Typing and Find my device options to forestall Microsoft from collecting this type of information, just like the spring update.

Wrapping things upward

Although we're still in the early days of the Redstone 5 development (and the spring update haven't even released yet), these showtime vii builds already show a modest set of welcome additions, which if everything goes co-ordinate to programme, we'll see before the terminate of 2022.

If yous're thinking on testing the latest preview, y'all should consider only installing it on a spare computer or virtual machine. It'south not recommended to use pre-releases on your chief auto equally you may come up across errors, problems, and information technology may cause data loss. Yous should at least brand certain to create a full backup of your estimator before installing that latest build, in case something incorrect happens and you need to recover your computer.

What exercise you lot think about the Redstone 5 progress thus far? Tell the states in the comments.

More than Windows 10 resources

For more helpful manufactures, coverage, and answers to common questions about Windows 10, visit the following resource:

  • Windows 10 on Windows Central – All yous need to know
  • Windows x help, tips, and tricks
  • Windows ten forums on Windows Central

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