
What Do You Do In Animal Crossing

Fauna Crossing: New Horizons on Switch changes equally time passes in the real world, with each twenty-four hour period bringing new things for y'all to do. A few things change daily, and yous should make sure to interact with certain objects to get Bells or special piece of furniture.

In this guide, we'll evidence you some of the most important things to practice every day in New Horizons on Switch.

one. Check in at the Nook Cease to earn Nook Miles

You get bonus Nook Miles every mean solar day just for checking in at the Nook Stop on consecutive days. The bonus increase caps at vii days, giving 300 Nook Miles for each twenty-four hour period y'all log in after that. You tin can as well accept a peek at what'south new for sale at the Nook Stop.

two. Find the money rock

A gif of an Animal Crossing character hitting a rock and having bells pop out Paradigm: Nintendo EPD/Nintendo via Polygon

Every day, one stone in town has the potential to driblet effectually xvi,000 Bells, if you hit it with your shovel fast plenty.

We recommend excavation two holes behind you as you lot're standing next to a rock. When yous hit the rock, the holes behind y'all will finish you lot from billowy away — and that ways y'all can keep swinging instead of wasting time scooting back to the stone.

3. Bank check your shops

The shops in Creature Crossing: New Horizons alter their stock every solar day, so stop by and see what they're offering. You don't want to miss out on furniture yous wanted or a sweet hat.

iv. Dig up fossils

A star on the ground indicates that something is buried there, while a character holds a shovel behind the star Paradigm: Nintendo EPD/Nintendo via Polygon

Each player will have around four dig marks (pictured above) appear randomly on the island each mean solar day, signifying where fossils are cached in the basis. You'll take to discover them in a new spot every day, dig up the fossils, and show them to Blathers to identify them. From there, you can donate them to the museum if they're missing from the collection, or you can sell them for a pretty penny.

5. Expect for messages in bottles

A bottled message sits on the shore while a villager stares at it Image: Nintendo EPD/Nintendo via Polygon

Every day, a new bottle will wash ashore. Within, y'all'll find a letter from an animal who doesn't live in your town and a DIY Recipe, an object you need to craft specific items. Finding bottles is the best mode to fill out your DIY Recipe list (though you can find duplicate recipes, also).

6. Talk to visitors

Your island volition eventually host random NPCs, like Gulliver or Saharah, who stop by for one reason or another.

You lot'll have to roam around to find whoever might exist stopping in your town. Some of them always appear in similar spots. Gulliver, for example, volition be washed up by the beach, and a merchant like Characterization will be in the town foursquare.

Wherever you find them, talk to them and see what they demand — or what they're selling, which tin be exclusive items.

7. Complete your showtime five Nook Miles+ goals

Your kickoff gear up of 5 Nook Miles+ missions will give you bonus Miles, so prioritize those each day. Goals that appear later on you lot complete the initial five do non accept the bonus.

viii. Farm out your resource from rocks and copse

Grab as much wood and Iron Nuggets equally yous can from trees and rocks, every bit yous'll need them to create DIY Recipes. Each tree and rock produces a finite amount of materials per day, and you don't want to find yourself in a state of affairs where you're curt on materials to make a new item that yous have a recipe for.

Make sure you're hitting the copse with the Stone Axe and so that you don't chop down the tree. Too make sure y'all're hitting the rocks on an empty stomach (not after eating a fruit), or the rock volition intermission and disappear until the next day, without giving y'all the resources.


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