
How To Clear Pully Tin With Oil Filter Mod

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Make your V8 last forever

Familiarity with your V8 engine, its peculiarities and its needs, all helps to maintain operation and longevity

The Rover V8 is yet one of my best favourite engines. Information technology may not be the most powerful V8, merely its simplicity and light weight have made it the star of a great many vehicles over the decades. Information technology started out as a Buick pattern launched in 1960. Back then it was a very contemporary design with aluminium block and heads for low weight. Merely it was a little ahead of its time and its small size and need for special coolant put US customers off.

The blueprint and tooling was subsequently bought by Rover in 1965 and significantly modified and fitted with twin SU carburettors to suit the Rover P5b saloon. Then, in 1970, the compression ratio was lowered for the first Range Rover. Shortly after that, information technology appeared in the 101 Frontwards Control military Land Rover, and then in the Serial three Phase One V8 as a precursor to the Defender V8.

The launch of the Discovery in 1989 was the last new application for the twin carburettor 3.five-litre V8 engine. After that, fuel injection was required on any new type of vehicle. The V8 was enlarged to 3.9-litres in 1994 and continued to be used in Range Rover and Discovery. It also briefly appeared in the Defender SV90. In 1992, a longer stroke 4.ii-litre version was introduced in the Range Rover LSE. When the bore was stretched for the iii.9-litre mill, the cylinder liners were not held quite so well every bit in the 3.5 engine, and they have a trend to creep down which, in turn, compromises the cylinder head gasket clamping efficiency, and gasket leaks are then common. Engines with this fault are expensive to gear up properly, although it has to be said the error tin can usually be 'lived with' if non too severe. The results of this problem are a tendency to blow coolant out, resulting in overheating, and in some cases a tendency to burn a bit more oil than usual merely, if the coolant gets into the oil, and then the engine volition quickly destroy itself. If the liners have sunk and acquired the caput gasket to fail, so skimming the heads will not fix the problem. Either new liners have to be fitted or a replacement engine block found from somewhere.

For the Range Rover P38 and the Discovery two, the V8 was considerably revised with larger bearings, stronger creepo, stronger block with extra block ribbing, and larger cross-bolted main-bearings. The crankshaft nose is unlike where it drives a concentric oil pump which is no longer driven by the camshaft, and almost exercise not have a distributor. The V8 now came in two capacities designated 4.0 and four.6, although the 4.0-litre was actually the same 3946cc capacity as the old three.9-litre. Production came to an cease at Country Rover in 2005, the final application being the Discovery for the N American market place in 2003/4. Product for service replacement and specialist vehicle manufacturers continues to this mean solar day by MCT in Weston-Super-Mare. Information technology all adds up to a very impressive life for an engine that was initially designed in the 1950s.


On distributor models, if the curl is not charging up fully after each spark, and then it limits speed and power. This could exist considering the whorl is damaged internally or the driver unit is malfunctioning. Bank check the globe wire from the driver unit on older models – it tends to corrode where it'southward attached to the inner wing. The distributor cap tends to foul its terminals with a hard white deposit, and this tin cause the engine to lose power and stall at idle speed. If this happens when out in the wilds, and then simply scrape the deposits off with the border of a coin. Dressing the terminals with a small grinding tool will restore them briefly but, as the corrosion eats into the terminals and widens the spark gap, the cap volition eventually need to be replaced. It is the same with the rotor arm also, with hard blackness deposits forming on the abaft edge. Once again, these can be scraped off equally a temporary fix. In distributor-less models the plug leads from the whorl pack need replacing after about twelvemonth ten. This task is often neglected because the plenum sleeping room has to be removed to proceeds access.



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1. EFi's earth strap at rear of engine  tin can corrode, leading to false readings in the system and maybe poor running, starting and idling.

two. Combustion sleeping room's squish effect shoots the mixture at the spark plug from the side. Multi-electrode plugs shroud the spark and don't piece of work and then well in this engine.

3. On tardily Thor V8, upper intake has to come off to change plug leads, hence they are oft neglected. Coil pack is against the bulkhead.

So what could go wrong?

Land Rover engines are mostly low-powered so they can cope with heavy use for extended periods and with poorer specification fuels establish in far off lands. However, that robustness does depend heavily on good maintenance, something which is often neglected.

Spark plugs

The old V8 tin be a chip hard on its spark plugs. If you do a lot of brusk journeys in common cold atmospheric condition, they volition need changing a lot earlier than if the automobile does mainly long freeway journeys. As the cylinder head is fabricated of aluminium blend you must be careful not to cross-thread the plugs when fitting them, so always wind them in by mitt and use a tool only for the final tightening. A very small amount of copper grease on the thread volition brand them easier to remove later.

If a spark plug is proving difficult to become out, and so soak information technology in penetrating oil for a day before extracting it. If necessary unscrew slightly, then turn information technology back in before unscrewing some more. Little by piffling, the tight ones should come up out, merely you should never need to employ a lot of force to excerpt them. Today there is a very wide choice of spark plugs available, and I have constitute platinum single electrode plugs to give the longest and nigh reliable service. Avoid multi-electrode plugs equally they don't piece of work and then well on this sort of combustion chamber, and tin give cold get-go problems. Past the way, y'all don't need a 'special' plug for LPG; just a expert quality ane in good condition. The standard ignition system provides over ten times more spark energy than the minimum required for petrol (to allow for petrol'southward relatively poor mixture formation). LPG mixes much better than petrol.

Engine Oil

Rover V8 engines need frequent oil changes, and this is the virtually important service particular. Modern oils concluding longer than they did back in the 70s, only it'south appropriate to change it every x,000 miles at least. If the vehicle is used on short journeys or is parked up for long periods, it's worth doing oil changes at 5000 miles intervals. Sadly oil changes are often neglected, resulting in tar edifice upward in the oil galleries, clogging the valve gear. That leads to rapid rocker shaft habiliment, and habiliment of the camshaft lobes which reduces power and makes a heavy tapping noise. There take been enough of cases of cars being driven in this condition with the owners blissfully unaware of the damage. In more than severe cases, the oil feed to the main bearings can be compromised, and failure becomes inevitable. If you have merely bought a car and the oil is in poor condition, alter it immediately, so drive the motorcar normally for a few hundred miles so the detergents volition remove the deposits. At that indicate, change the oil again, remembering to change the oil filter on both occasions likewise.

But a word of caution: if you empty the sump of oil and as well remove the one-time oil filter, oil will drain out of the pump and out of the oil pick-up tube. If this happens, when you next start the engine after filling with new oil, you volition go no oil pressure because the pump is sucking on air and won't prime properly. To avoid this, bleed the sump, fill it with new oil, and replace the oil filter. That way a slug of old oil stays in the option upwardly tube and the pump works immediately. I also fill the new oil filter with new oil before plumbing fixtures,, simply patience is needed considering it fills slowly, and fitting a full filter is a bit messy too, but it is worth it. If, afterwards doing this, the engine oil pressure warning light stays on after an oil alter, then bring the engine speed up to about 2000 rpm immediately to increase the pump suction. But, if the low-cal stays on for more than than a few seconds, plough the engine off immediately and find out what's gone wrong with the oil apportionment. The basic engine design goes back to the 1950s and, as such, has adequately wide tolerances in the bearings and and so it needs a reasonably thick oil.

The original oil viscosity was specified as 20/50, but Land Rover gradually reduced the specified viscosity to fifteen/forty to reduce drag and better fuel economy very slightly. I find that reverting to the thicker 20/50 on high mileage engines reduces rattle on start up and makes them run a bit smoother when warm. If the oil pressure level calorie-free stays on, at that place are ii possible causes. A common mistake is that the oil pressure switch has relaxed and comes on even at normal oil pressure. The fix is to fit a new switch, which is piece of cake and cheap. If the oil pressure is genuinely deadening to option up, then the principal and large end bearings may be worn. At this phase the bearings need to be changed before the engine starts rumbling and suffering real damage.

Cooling Organisation

Near cooling issues are caused by blockages inside the radiator, or a seized thermostat or low coolant level due to leaking hoses. Also, lookout man out for mud blocking the airflow through the radiator. H2o pump bearings wear, particularly if the car has always lost coolant in its life, then expect for tell-tale coolant traces on the back of the pump pulley or a trend to squeak from a cold start. Coolant degrades over fourth dimension, and traditional ethylene glycol-based coolants should exist replaced every ii years or so. Around year 2000 the Discovery 2 and Range Rover P38 switched over to using OAT (Organic Acid Technology) coolant which lasts a lot longer but still needs changing later well-nigh five years on average.

Old coolant not only loses cooling functioning, but also turns acidic and can eat into the engine and radiator. The coolant needs to be mixed with water because water is the better heat carrier. If the concentration is too strong, under farthermost circumstances it may overheat. Conversely, if it is also weak so it may prematurely eddy and allow cylinder head damage as well as accelerated corrosion. Generally a 50/50 mix is best, or a little stronger in extremely cold climates.

Caput Gaskets

The original 3.5 V8 was very robust and is unlikely to demand a head gasket modify unless it has overheated. By contrast, the 3.9 and afterward engines seemed to have difficulty property their cylinder liners upward, when this happens the head gasket is no longer held securely and is gradually eaten away until it starts leaking. If the leak is to the coolant gallery information technology will blow coolant out of the header tank; if it leaks to the oilway so oil will be burnt in the combustion sleeping accommodation. Then if the head gasket needs to exist replaced, yous must first cure the cause of the failure, otherwise it will simply fail over again a few hundred miles later. When re-assembling, use the later type of composite caput gasket which offers much ameliorate reliability. Cracks in the cylinder blocks of the larger capacity V8s can allow coolant to seep up between the cylinder liner and the cake, to exist vaporised in the combustion chamber. This can cause a drop in the coolant reservoir level with no visible crusade. If the cylinder heads are removed, the effect may show up as 'washing' of the piston crown and/or valves.


This is 1 of the first components to vesture down if the oil is neglected. A slightly worn cam volition still allow the motorcar to pull away okay, only information technology will run out of puff when you lot put your human foot downwards. It won't start rattling until it is severely worn because the hydraulic cam followers will automatically adjust for the article of clothing.When changing the camshaft, always change the followers at the same time and check the push rods are all straight by rolling them on a very flat surface, such as a mirror. As well, check that the cam gear and chain are in good order – hold the chain sideways and if it droops downward then it needs replacing.

These engines can run with only half the cylinders working properly, so camshaft wear often goes unnoticed for years. When replacing the camshaft, it may be worth using an improved profile. As fuel consumption becomes ever more of import, using a milder cam to improve depression-stop torque and MPG at the expense of peak end power, makes sense. The camshaft can be changed with the engine in the car, but it requires the removal of the radiator, sump, forepart drive belts, intake manifold and the front end engine cover, so it's not a small job.


Carburettors can suffer from old fuel bottleneck the small bores, and from leaking gaskets. If the engine runs crude it may be worth stripping the carbs down, cleaning them out and rebuilding them with new seals and gaskets; this tin can transform an old engine. All fuel injection systems used an air menstruation meter. Air leaks betwixt the air meter and engine volition cause problems, and then make sure all the hoses and small pipes are secure and not cracked. Also check the extra earth strap at the dorsum of the engine which is essential for EFi systems to work properly. On afterwards engines with oxygen sensors, any air leak in the exhaust manifold will cause imitation readings and make the engine run rich.

4. Filling the oil filter with oil before fitting takes time but reduces the risk of oil starvation when starting after an oil change. Oil changes are vital.

5. Cooling system is ofttimes neglected. Check for water pump leaks and coolant level changes. Never utilise a chisel to remove fan – the hammer bear on damages the pump bearings.

6. Corrosion due to weak coolant results in white powdery deposits and leaks at hose joints. Older cars benefit from new hoses, and metallic piping ends cleaned upwardly

7. With heads off, clean the valves and check them for damage. Overheating may event in cracks effectually the valve seats. (Motion picture:

viii. Typical pitting and wear on cam lode and follower. New cam and follower will article of clothing and settle together – just mixing the followers will starting time the wear process again.

ix. Belts and idler pulleys are service items. When belts are off for renewal, spin and check pulleys for roughness or play. Note the belt route earlier removal.


Many parts historic period, even when non in use, peculiarly prophylactic which reacts with oxygen in the air and becomes hard and brittle. Parts such every bit cooling hoses and fuel pipes fabricated of safety will perish, and ten years should be considered to be the maximum life of a prophylactic component. Fuel pipes should be replaced for safety well before they show clear signs of perishing.

In Conclusion

The Rover V8 is one of those engines that keeps on going even when it's in dire demand of repair. It'south often neglected, sometimes derided, only in general it is solidly reliable if maintained properly. 30 five years of State Rover production is an impressive attestation for this great engine – the Rover V8 is a truthful legend amidst engines.


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